Un citoyen togolais au député ghanéen Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa : « Merci, Mais Non merci ! »


Après le massacre des militants du PNP les 19 et 20 août 2017 par le régime criminel de Faure Gnassingbé, le député ghanéen du « North-Tongu » et ex-adjoint au ministre de l’Éducation, le sieur Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, craignant supposément l’afflux de réfugiés Togolais sur le sol ghanéen comme en 2005, a lancé un appel « intéressé » au président ghanéen Nana Akufo-Addo d’intervenir comme médiateur au Togo entre le régime frauduleux de Faure Gnassingbé et l’opposition.

Un citoyen togolais au député ghanéen Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa : « Merci, Mais Non merci ! »

Suite à cet appel inopportun, M. Koffi Apati-Bassah, un citoyen togolais vivant à New York, publie une lettre ouverte pour dire non à l’initiative du député ghanéen et éduque ce dernier sur l’histoire sanglante des régimes Gnassingbé au Togo ainsi que sur le rôle trouble joué par l‘ex-président ghanéens John Mahama et le « boucher d’Abidjan » Alassane Ouattara dans la proclamation des résultats frauduleux de la présidentielle de 2015 en faveur du perdant Faure Gnassingbé. Le citoyen précise surtout au cynique député ghanéen, la volonté inébranlable et la détermination du peuple togolais d’en finir avec les Gnassingbé.

Lire ci-dessous la lettre ouverte de M. Apati-Bassah.

To Honorable Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa,

Object: About Your Proposal Of Mediation By President Nana Akufo Addo In Togolese Crisis, Thanks But No Thanks!

Your Honor,

As a Ranking member of Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs and a Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Volta Region (Ghana) you have called on President Nana Akufo-Addo to mediate in the political crisis overtaking Togo right now.

I don’t want to call you a cynic since I ‘am giving you the benefit of the doubt and believing that you are making an honest mistake.

Togolese had been as loud and as clear as the thunder. We want the Gnassingbé regime out! Do you have an idea how many dialogues, negotiations or mediations had taken place in Togo and the Gnassingbé father and son are still ruling the country with iron fist for the past 50 years?

Do you know that when Gnassingbé father died in 2005 (after 38 years of iron rule), his son, the so-called current president massacred 1000 Togolese to seize power, power he and his cronies are using to siphon resources of the country and to line up their pockets with our money? Do you know that Faure Gnassingbé is serving a third term as president? How many terms is a president allowed to serve in Ghana and elsewhere?

We’re just tired of the vicious circle of negotiation/mediation-agreement and non-respect of the agreement by the regime-and negotiations again.

The obnoxious role played by your former president John Mahama during the hold-up presidential election of 2015, election rigged as usual by Faure Gnassingbé is still fresh on our mind. John Mahama and the gang leader Allassane Ouattara of Cote d’Ivoire come to Togo and had browbeaten the opposition leader Jean Pierre Fabre to accept the result of the fraudulent election.

Right now, we don’t need help from anybody. We, the people of Togo had taken back the power and will soon get rid of the mafia leader Faure Gnassingbé.

If anything, start preparing asylum for the horn dog called Faure Gnassingbé. He might be soon landing in your country.

Yours respectfully,
Koffi Apati-Bassah
New-York City

Source : 27avril.com
