Togo-Rabab Fatima assures Victoire Dogbe of UN-OHRLLS’ support


The Prime Minister of Togo, Victoire Dogbe met Ms. Rabab Fatima United Nations High Representative of the Least Developed States (UN-OHRLLS) as she attends the 5th Conference of LDC going on in Doha, Qatar.

Ms. Dogbe said she discussed on structural transformation of her country’s economies, and on the implementation of the Doha action plan. The two women said to have agreed to remain mobilized for more growth and shared prosperity.

During this meeting, which will end on March 9, participants will develop plans and partnerships to realize the promises and ambitions of the Doha Program of Action adopted last year for the next decade.

The Conference should also help mobilize additional international support for Least Developed Countries (LDCs), and overcome structural challenges, eradicate poverty and achieve internationally agreed development goals.

The Togolese delegation, made up of several officials, led by the Prime Minister, Victoire Dogbé, representative of Faure Gnassingbé, attended the summit of heads of state and government, organized as a prelude to the launch of the conference.

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