UAE Deputy Foreign Minister Cheikh Shakhbout visits Togo


The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Sheikh Shakhbout Ben Nahyan Al-Nahyan, has been making a working visit to Lomé since Thursday.

The stay is part of the strengthening of bilateral ties between Togo and the country of the Arab-Persian Gulf.

The Emirati official was received in audience by the President of the Republic, Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé.

On the menu of the meeting, the main points of bilateral cooperation between Lomé and Abu Dhabi.

The UAE, present in Togo with several projects, including the Blitta photovoltaic power plant and support for SMEs / SMIs, intend to further boost this partnership.

“We will continue to work together for a bright future of cooperation relations between the United Arab Emirates and Togo,” said the number 2 of the Emirati diplomacy during the interview.

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