Togo-Terrorist attacks displace more than 4,000 people


Togo has been providing assistance for several months to the populations victims of attacks by terrorist groups in the Savannah region and beyond the national borders, announces the government, which indicates that the number of displaced persons already exceeds 4,000.

In total, 789 households, representing 4,175 displaced people have been identified by the competent services, announced Thursday, October 27, the Minister of Security and Civil Protection during the Council of Ministers.

An emergency action, consisting in securing these displaced persons, was carried out, before the implementation of support measures by several government agencies (ANPC, ministries of security, education, social action, health, the environment, etc.).

“Food and non-food items were thus provided to 682 households (the remaining 107 households having left the assembly sites at the time of the operation)”, the government said.

According to the authorities, a second phase of support was also deployed for 237 households, still present on the site after the first phase.

In addition, psychological care was provided by technical teams made up of psychologists and social workers, deployed in the field.

With the start of the new school year, arrangements have been made to enroll displaced students in schools in the host prefectures. Classroom construction work is also underway to strengthen school infrastructure. Specifically, nine orphaned children (5 girls and 4 boys) were enrolled in establishments of excellence, in accordance with the instructions of the Head of State.

“Today, the objective that has been set is to ensure that these people continue to live in decent conditions and to promote their eventual return to their regions of origin,” said the Minister of Communication, Akodah Ayewouadan.

As a reminder, Togo has been under attack from terrorist groups since November 2021. A situation inherited from the deterioration of the sub-regional security context.

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