Death of Elizabeth II: Togo offers its condolences


The Presidency of Togo reacted to the death of Queen of England, Elizabeth II. She died this Thursday, September 08 in Balmoral (Scotland) at the age of 96.

The official announcement was made in the middle of the afternoon by the royal family.

A few hours after the announcement of his death, Togo joined the momentum of global compassion.

The Togolese Head of State, Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé sent condolences on behalf of the Togolese people and his own, condolences to the royal family, the British people and the great family of the Commonwealth of which Togo is now a member.

For the Togolese leader, the monarch of fifteen nations and head of the Commonwealth “embodied a universal figure of the influence of her country and of friendship between peoples”.

While waiting for the start of the official funeral, his heir is already known, it is his eldest son Charles, who will be crowned under the name of Charles III. As a reminder, the sovereign who ascended the throne in 1952, reigned for 70 years.

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