Covid-19 : L’ambassade des Etats-Unis au Togo alerte les citoyens Américains sur les limites du système de santé togolais


Dans un communiqué rendu public cette semaine, l’Ambassade des Etats-Unis au Togo fait le point de la situation du Covid-19 au Togo et donne plusieurs directives et mises en garde sanitaires à ses citoyens vivant au Togo

Le communiqué dit entre autres que « Le Département d’État américain continue de recommander que les citoyens américains retournent aux États-Unis pendant la pandémie de COVID-19, en particulier ceux qui ont des problèmes de santé sous-jacents, tels que le cancer, le diabète, l’hypertension ou les maladies rénales ou cardiaques. Le Togo a des capacités médicales limitées dans le cas où vous pourriez avoir besoin d’un ventilateur ou d’autres soins médicaux avancés. »

Le communiqué parle des limites du système de santé togolais et aborde aussi la question du mode de traitement des malades du Covid-19, adopté par le Togo, et qui est basé sur l’usage de la chloroquine ou de l’hydroxychloroquine.

 » Le gouvernement du Togo administre de la chloroquine ou de l’hydroxychloroquine aux patients COVID-19. La Food and Drug Administration des États-Unis déconseille actuellement ce traitement pharmacologique car il n’y a aucune preuve qu’il réduit la durée ou la gravité de COVID-19. L’ambassade des États-Unis a un recours limité pour intervenir dans votre traitement médical si vous tentez de vous retirer de tout protocole pharmaceutique requis par le gouvernement du Togo. », précise le communiqué.

Le texte dans son intégralité en Anglais est ci-dessous

Health Alert – U. S. Embassy Lome, Togo – May 22, 2020

As of May 22, there were 354 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with ‎12 deaths, 118 recovered and 224 active cases. These statistics are regularly updated in French on the Government of Togo’s COVID-19 website. The Government of Togo is using one phone number, 111, for all questions regarding COVID-19. Do not hesitate to call this number if you believe that you or someone you know has been exposed to COVID-19 or are showing symptoms of the disease.

The U.S. Department of State continues to recommend that U.S. citizens should return to the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially those with any underlying medical conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, or kidney or heart disease. Togo has limited medical capabilities in the event that you may require a ventilator or other advanced medical care.

The Government of Togo administers chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine to COVID-19 patients. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration currently advises against this pharmacologic treatment as there is no evidence that it lessens the duration or severity of COVID-19. The U.S. Embassy has limited recourse to intervene in your medical treatment if you attempt to opt out of any Government of Togo-required drug protocol.

Ethiopian Airlines currently operates one flight to the United States (Newark) every Sunday. Flights may also occur other days of the week to Newark or Houston depending on demand. We expect all U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents in Togo to use the direct Newark flight to return to the United States. Although the cost of this flight is now higher than it was prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the cost of a Lome-Newark ticket is well within the pre-pandemic market range for flights between the African continent and the United States. Contact Ethiopian Airlines’ Lome ticketing and reservation office inside of Hotel Palm Beach on beach road (Boulevard de la Republique or N2) two blocks east of the French Embassy if you wish to return to the United States.

There is no such thing as a free flight to the United States. If you are a U.S. citizen and financially destitute, meaning no financial assets in Togo or the United States and no friends or family who can assist you, then you will need to schedule an appointment online to speak to a consular officer at the U.S. Embassy. Any government-provided financial assistance will result in the limitation/cancellation of your full-validity U.S. passport, and you will be required to depart on the next available flight after submitting a signed promissory note to the consular officer. You will not be able to obtain a new U.S. passport until you have paid in full to the U.S. Treasury the amount spent for your plane ticket.

All U.S. passport print facilities are currently closed. The U.S. Embassy cannot produce full-validity passports and Consular Reports of Birth Abroad until U.S. print facilities reopen. Emergency passports can still be issued by making an appointment online, but an emergency passport should only be used for immediate, one-way travel to the United States. If you need a new passport for prolonging your stay in Togo, then you must wait for U.S. print facilities to reopen before reapplying.

Please encourage any U.S. citizens you know still present in Togo to enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) so that they may receive the latest COVID-19 updates from the Department of State and the U.S. Embassy in Lome.

Actions to Take

· Consult the CDC website for the most up-to-date information.

· For the most recent information on what you can do to reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19 please see the CDC’s latest recommendations.

· Visit the COVID-19 crisis page on for the latest information.

· Check with your airlines or cruise lines regarding any updated information about your travel plans and/or restrictions.

· Visit our Embassy webpage on COVID-19 for information on conditions in Togo.

· Visit the Department of Homeland Security’s website on the latest travel restrictions to the U.S.


U.S. Embassy Lomé, Togo
(+228) 2261 5470
[email protected]
State Department – Consular Affairs
888-407-4747 or 202-501-4444
Togo Country Information-

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